Cancelled: Day of Buddha’s Enlightenment (Bodhi Day)
This event has unfortunately been cancelled due to the current corona measures. Hopefully we can sea each other again soon!
The curatorial team of Asian art at the Rijksmuseum invites members of the KVVAK to a special program celebrating the Day of Enlightenment (Bodhi Day).
Buddha’s enlightenment is a moment when we not only commemorate an important day in history – the day when Buddha, under a tree, a so-called ficus religiosa, gained true insight, enlightenment – but also reflect on how art and culture dedicated to the Buddha has flourished in Asia.
What can we learn from him and from the sculptures?
By Menno Fitski, head Asian Art Rijksmuseum.
Introducing the concept of ‘Bodhidag’.
Presentation “The Life of Buddha” on ancient sculptures to photography in the collection of the KVVAK and the Rijksmuseum and practice with Pranayama and Buddhist mudras.
By Nitish Sudhir Soundalgekar.
Heart Sutra recital (including beautiful music produced with Dhamma instruments)
By Buddhist nuns from Fo Guang Shan He Hua Temple on Amsterdam’s Zeedijk.
15.50 uur
Meet & Greet Anna
By Anna Slaczka, curator of Southeast Asia Rijksmuseum. She will enlighten us with a few words about her latest book: Re-envisioning Śiva Naṭarāja. A Multidisciplinary Perspective.
16.00 uur
By Rosalien van der Poel.
16-16:30 book sale in Foyer, Anna signs
16:30 end of event
KVVAK members can purchase the book with 25% discount during the event (and afterwards with the special discount code 72225 via brill.com).
Sales price is normally €64,31 (incl VAT) and the special discount price is €48,23. Buyers can pay on account or directly via PIN.
You may visit the Asian Pavilion prior to this activity to view the new changes. There will be no time for this after the event.
Note: Please bring your confirmation and your KVVAK membership card for the event. For the event in the Auditorium, we follow government guidelines. We will ask you for a corona access card at the entrance. This can be a negative test result, a vaccination certificate or proof that you have recovered from corona. With CoronaCheck or through CoronaCheck.nl you can show us these corona proofs. Thank you for your cooperation.

Nitish Sudhir Soundalgekar (born Mumbai, India) is a museologist and yoga and meditation teacher. He currently works for the Education Department of the Rijksmuseum Muiderslot. He completed his BA in Art History & Visual Culture at Franklin University Switzerland, Lugano. His passion to combine yoga teaching and art history inspired him to write his thesis on the dissemination of yogic knowledge through ancient Indian iconography. This was reflected in his Meditation Mondays series, which he performed with the Asian art collection at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam during his internship for the Heritage Studies master’s program. For his MA thesis, he developed a holistic model for assessing sustainability in the museum world.