Save the date- lecture ‘Shirakaba and Japanese Modernism. Art Magazines, Artist Collectives and the Early Avant-garde’
On 21 July, following the ICAS congress, Brill organises a lecture by Erin Schoneveld about her recent Brill publication ‘Shirakaba and Japanese Modernism. Art Magazines, Artist Collectives and the Early Avant-garde‘.
The members of the KVVAK are cordially invited to attend this lecture.
Preliminary programme
13:45 doors open
14:00 welcome by Inge Klompmakers of Brill
14:15-15:15 lecture Erin Schoneveld
15:15-16:15 drinks and books
16:30 end
Register until 19 July by sending an email to logeman@brill.com