Ceramics Committee: specimen meeting with two lectures
The yearly specimen meeting organised by the ceramics committee will take place on 28 September at 14:00 hours in the OBA, Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam. You are welcome from 13:30 in the Prinsenzaal on the sixth floor.
There will be two lectures: collector Kees de Jong will tell us all about “the Romance of the Western Chamber on export porcelain”, illustrated by a pair of Kangxi bowls from his own collection.
Next Robert McPherson will give a lecture entitled: “Oriental ceramics from Shipwrecks”, which will provide you with good background information to the exhibition “Sunken treasures“, on show from 7 September in the Princessehof in Leeuwarden.
As always, you can bring an object for determination and you are invited to tell us about a piece from your own collection.
Entry is € 10 p.p. to be paid in cash at the entrance.
Drinks are between 16.30 and 17.30 hours in the Stadsbar in restaurant Babel.
Park your car in Parking Centrum Oosterdok, Oosterdokskade 154, 1011 DK Amsterdam https://parkingcentrumoosterdok.nl/
Alternatively, the OBA is a short 8 minute walk from Amsterdam Central train station.