Student symposium
On Saturday 26 November 2016 the VVAK organized her first ‘Student Symposium’ in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. At this symposium, some of the most talented students in the field of Asian Art had the opportunity to present their research with a short presentation. The conclusive lecture was given by Winnie Wong: Van Gogh on Demand – China and the Readymade. Wong is Assistant Professor Rhetoric and History of Art at the University of California, Berkeley.
Participants and the title of their presentations:
Karwin Cheung: The Art of Travel – Traditions and Transformations in Joseon Korea
Michelle de Wit: Lost Love Letters along the former Silk Road
Michael Lee: Taking China out of Chinaware – A Transcultural Approach to the Porcelain Trade
Yu Yusen: Sino-Buddhist Iconography in “Islamic” Paintings of Century Asia and Iran – From Late-14th to Early-16th Century
Heidi Jie: Stories in the Threads – The Effects of Intervention, Interpretation and Representation on the Kantha
Feng He: The Global Lives of a Female Dancer – Transcultural and Trans-Media Appropriation of a Chinse Motif in The Netherlands and Germany