Wednesday November 15 2017
Publications Jan Fontein
Selected by Marijke Klokke
See further ‘In memoriam erelid Jan Fontein’ Aziatische Kunst, Volume
47, Nr. 3, November 2017, pp. 2-5.
Publications by Jan Fontein, 1953-2013
Not included: ‘Department of Asiatic Art’, ‘Report of the Acting Director’ and ‘Report of the Director’, annual reports by Jan Fontein in: The Museum Year: Annual Report of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1967-1986.
1953 ‘Een Chinees gouden hert’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 1: 62-64.
—– ‘Chinese en Japanse kunst te Keulen’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 1: 20.
—– ‘Een Chinese landschapsrol’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 2: 28-33.
1954 Oosterse schatten: 4000 jaar Aziatische kunst: 3 juli-10 october 1954. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum en Museum van Aziatische Kunst. [Catalogue of exhibition, 3 July-10 October 1954]
1955 ‘Een dierplastiek uit Oost-Turkestan’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 3: 83-84.
—– ‘Een nieuw bruikleen van Japanse plastiek’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 5: 76-79.
—– ‘Japanse musea en verzamelingen (1)’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 5: 79-83.
1956 ‘Een album van Kao Ch’i-pei’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 4: 67-71.
—– ‘S.H. Minkenhof †’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 6.
—– ‘Notes on Korean lacquer’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 6: 88-93.
—– ‘Japanse particuliere verzamelingen’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 6: 94-98.
—– ‘Portretten en zelfportretten van Hokusai’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 7: 101-108.
—– ‘The pantomimes of Mibudera’, Antiquity and Survival 1(6): 458-464.
1957 ‘Een Franse inleiding tot de Chinese ceramiek’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 8: 127-129.
—– ‘The arts of the Ming dynasty’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 9: 133-140.
—– ‘Loden vaatwerk uit de Chou periode’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 9: 144-148.
—– [Nederlandse bewerking] Zo leeft men in Japan, door Ichiro Kawasaki. Amsterdam: Van der Peet.
1958 ‘5000 Jaar kunst uit India in Essen’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 11: 155-164.
1959 ‘Twaalfbladig kamerscherm, zgn. Coromandel-lakwerk, China, 2e helft 17e eeuw’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 7: 72-73.
1960 Duizend jaar Chinese schilderkunst. [‘s-Gravenhage]: Haags Gemeentemuseum.
—– ‘Een zilveren Buddha uit Chiengsen’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 8: 140-144.
—– [et al.]. Coreografia: civiltà asiatiche. [S.l.]: Instituto per la Collaborazione Culturale.
1961 ‘Een nieuwe aanwinst uit Japan’, Bulletin Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 14: 165-188.
1962 Het landschap bij Hokusai. Amsterdam: Rijksprentenkabinet.
—– ‘Inleiding’, in: W.H. de Roos, Tentoonstelling Japanse grafiek afkomstig uit de verzameling van W.H. de Roos. Hilversum. [Catalogue]
—– ‘Een verguld bronzen keman uit de Kamakura-periode’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 10: 35-38.
—– ‘Arte della Cina (architettura, scultura e arti minori)’, in: Giuseppe Tucci (ed.), Le civiltà dell’oriente: storia, letteratura, religioni, filosofia, scienze e arte, vol. 4: arte, pp. 1033-1128. Roma: Gherardo Casini.
1963 ‘Pijnbomen aan het strand’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 11: 66-70.
—– ‘[Review of:] An introduction to Chinese art, by Michael Sullivan’, Artibus Asiae 26(2): 171-172.
1964 ‘Bosch and the Barabuḍur studies’, in: [P.H. Pott, F.B.J. Kuiper and J.W. de Jong, introduction], Hiraṇyagarbha: a series of articles on the archaeological work and studies of Prof. Dr. F.D.K. Bosch, composed by his friends, his pupils, and his colleagues to which is added the address delivered by him at his retirement from the University of Leiden, published on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate on 14th July 1964, pp. 64-70. The Hague [etc.]: Mouton.
—– [& A.L. Blaauwen] ‘”Picturae Sinicae ac Surattenae” van Petrus Schenk Sr.’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 12: 91-101.
1965 ‘In memoriam H.F.E. Visser’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 13: 39-40.
—– Humor in de Japanse grafiek: een keuze uit de collectie van de heer W.H. de Roos, oud Consul-Generaal te Kobe. [S.l.: S.n.]
1966 The pilgrimage of Sudhana: a study of the Gaṇḍvyūha illustrations in China, Japan and Java. ‘s-Gravenhage: Mouton. [PhD thesis, Leiden University]
—– ‘Een serie graffiguren uit de T’ang-tijd’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 14: 19-28.
—– [& A.L. den Blaauwen], ‘Picturae Sinicae ac Surattenae von Petrus Schenk Sr.’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 12(3/4):
1967 Fontein, Jan. The pilgrimage of Sudhana: a study of Gaṇḍavyūha illustrations in China, Japan and Java. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
—– ‘Department of Asiatic Art’, The Museum Year: Annual Report of the Museum of Fine Art, Boston 92: 41-44.
1968 [& Rose Hempel, René-Yvon Lefebvre D’Argencé], China, Korea, Japan. Berlin: Propyläen. (Propyläen Kunstgeschichte 17)
—– ‘Kibi’s adventures in China: facts, fiction, and their meaning’, Boston Museum Bulletin 66(344): 49-68.
—– ‘Inleiding tot de Japanse ceramiek’, Bulletin Vereniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, Derde Serie 17: 16-23.
—– [Contributions in:], K.W. Lim, Aziatische kunst uit het legaat Westendorp: jubileumtentoonstelling Vereeniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, 1918-1968: Museum van Aziatische Kunst, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 30 november 1968-23 februari 1969. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum.
1969 ‘Introduction’, in: Jan Fontein and Pratapaditya Pal, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: oriental art, pp. 9-18. Boston: Oriental Art.
—– [& Pratapaditya Pal], Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: oriental art. Boston: Oriental Art.
1970 ‘Uthmān’s Ark of Noah in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston’, Archives of Asian Art 24: 84.
—– [& Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Titia Jelgersma]. Museum Fine Arts Boston. Utrecht [etc.]: Het Spectrum. (Beroemde Musea van de Wereld)
1971 [& R. Soekmono, Satyawati Suleiman], Ancient Indonesian art of the Central and Eastern Javanese periods, [New York]: The Asia Society. [Exhibition catalogue Asia House Gallery, autumn 1971].
—– [& R. Soekmono, Satyawati Suleiman], Kesenian Indonesia Purba zaman2 Djawa Tengah dan Djawa Timur. [New York]: The Asia Society. [translated by: Soetjipto Suryohandoli]
—– [& Money L. Hickman]. Zen painting & calligraphy: an exhibition of works of art lent by temples, private collectors, and public and private museums in Japan, organized in collaboration with the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Japanese Government. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts Boston. [Exhibition Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 5 Nov.-20 Dec. 1970]
—– [& Money L. Hickman]. ‘The calligraphy of Ch’an and Zen monks’, Visible Language 5(3): 249-64.
1972 [Ed.], Ancient Indonesian art treasures in the Djakarta Museum, [Djakarta: Indonesian Tourist Board].
—– ‘Hanging vessel, Eastern Java, ca. 13th century’, Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin 70(361): 94-95.
1973 ‘The abduction of Sītā: notes on a stone relief from eastern Java’, Boston Museum Bulletin 71(363): 21-35.
—– [& WU Tung], Unearthing China’s past. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
1975 Chinese landschappen: schilderingen uit de kollektie van Mr. en Mrs. Earl Morse. ’s-Gravenhage: Haags Gemeentemuseum.
—– [with others]. ‘Some recent accessions’, Boston Museum Bulletin 369: 3-63.
1976 [& WU Tung], Han and T’ang murals discovered in tombs in the People’s Republic of China and copied by contemporary Chinese painters. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts. [Catalogue of an exhibition organized by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in cooperation with the Liaison Office of the People’s Republic of China, Washington, D.C.]
—– ‘Foreword’, in: Jonathan L. Fairbanks, John Singleton Copley, 1738-1815, Gilbert Stuart, 1755-1828, Benjamin West, 1738-1820 in America & England. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts. [Exhibition Catalogue]
—– ‘Foreword’, in: Nina Fletcher Little, Paintings by New England provincial artists, 1775-1800. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
—– ‘Introduction’, in: Romans and barbarians. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
1977 Preface to: Joyce Paulso et al., From riverbanks and sacred places: ancient Indian terracottas. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts. [Catalogue of an exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, August 23-December 31, 1977]
1978 [and WU Tung]. ‘New evidence of sport and pastimes in the Han and Tang dynasties’, in: Leo L. Gedvilas and Marian E. Kneer (eds), Proceedings of the NAPECW/NCPEAM National Conference and the 1978 NAPECW Annual Report: Denver, Colorado, June 1-4, 1978, p. 287. Office of Publications Services, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle.
1979 ‘A rock sculpture of Maitreya in the Suru Valley, Ladakh’, Artibus Asiae 41: 5-12.
—– ‘Some notes on datable Chinese tombs’, in: Wolfgang Bauer (ed.), Studia Sino-Mongolica: Festschrift für Herbert Franke, pp. 225-230. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag. (Müncher Ostasiatische Studien 25)
1980 ‘A Buddhist altarpiece from South India’, Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin 78: 4-21.
—– [& T. Wu]. Oriental Ceramics, the World’s Great Collections, vol. 10: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Tokyo: Kodansha International.
—– [& Satyawati Suleiman]. Indonesia kodai bijutsu ten. [S.l.: s.n.]. [Catalogue by the Organizing Committee for Borobudur Exhibition]
—– ‘Lost and found: a painting of a Lohan by Chao Ch’iung’, in: Françoise Aubin (ed.), Études Song / Song studies: in memoriam Étienne Balazs, Série II Civilisation 2, pp. 189-200. Paris: Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
1981 ‘Notes on the Jātakas and Avadānas of Barabuḍur’, in: Luis O. Gómez and Hiram W. Woodward Jr. (eds), Barabuḍur: history and significance of a Buddhist monument, pp. 85-108. Berkeley: The University of California. (Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series 2)
—– ‘Inscriptions on Taoist Statues’, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sinology: Section of History of Arts (Taipei: Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yuan, 1981) (Vol. 95)
—– ‘Introduction’, in: Masterpieces from the Boston Museum. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
—- ‘Opening address’, in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Chandi Borobudur, September 25-27, 1980, pp. 2-3. Tokyo: The Executive Committee for the International Symposium on Chandi Borobudur; Kyodo News Enterprise.
1982 Living national treasures of Japan. Tokyo: The Committee of the Exhibition of Living National Treasures of Japan.
—– Asiatic art in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
1986 ‘[Review of:] A. Snodgrass, The symbolism of the stūpa, Ithaca N.Y. 1985’, The Journal of Asian studies: Review of Eastern and Southern Asia and the Adjacent Pacific Islands 45(4): 812.
1987 ‘The skull of the Sixth Patriarch’, in: Collection of essays in honor of the ninetieth birthday of Jiang Weitang, pp. 2-21. Taibei: Zhongguo guoli tushuguan.
1988 ‘Notes on cultural exchange: fine arts’, in: Japanese studies in the United States, part 1: history and present condition, pp. 129-137. Ann Arbor: The Association for Asian Studies; Tokyo: The Japan Foundation.
1989 The law of cause and effect in ancient Java. Amsterdam [etc.]: KNAW. (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Verhandelingen Afdeling Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks 140)
1990 [& R. Soekmono, Edi Sedyawati], The sculpture of Indonesia. Washington: National Gallery of Art; New York: Abrams. [Exhibition catalogue, National Gallery of Art, Washington; Houston Museum of Fine Arts; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Asian Art Museum, San Francisco]
1991 ‘Kassian Cephas: a pioneer of Indonesian photography’, in: Jane Levy Reed (ed.), Toward independence: a century of Indonesia photographed, pp. 45-52. San Francisco: Friends of Photography.
—– ‘Śarīra Reliquary from Pagoda of Powŏn-sa Temple Site’, Misul charyo 47: 104-08.
—– Selected masterpieces of Asian art. Tokyo: Japan Broadcast Publishing. [Text in Japanese]
1992 [& R. Soekmono, Edi Sedyawati], Het goddelijk gezicht van Indonesië: meesterwerken der beeldhouwkunst 700-1600. Zwolle: Waanders. (Exhibition catalogue Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam)
—– ‘A brief history of the collection’, in: Qixing Wu, Veshakha N. Desai, Darielle Mason, Selected masterpieces of Asian art: Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
1993 ‘[Review of:] Jan J. Boeles, The secret of Borobudur, Bangkok 1985’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 149(1): 172-174.
—– ‘The search for an architect’ in: Julie Moir, ed., Tenshin-en, the garden of the heart of heaven, pp. 10-17. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
—– ‘Het verzamelen van Aziatische kunst in de twintigste eeuw’, Aziatische Kunst 23(3): 2-17.
—– ‘[Review of:] H.R.H. Prince Damrong Rajanubhab, Journey through Burma in 1936, translated by Kennon Breazeale’, Artibus Asiae 53(3): 493.
—– ‘[Review of:] ‘The Secret of Borobudur, by Jan J. Boeles’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 149(1): 172-74.
—– ‘The Epitaphs of Two Chan Patriarchs’, Artibus Asiae 53(1/2): 98-110.
—– ‘Berthold Laufer and the case of the inscribed sarcophags’, Journal of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston 5: 4-23.
1994 China’s verre verleden. Zwolle: Waanders. [Exhibition catalogue Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam]
—– ‘Tentoonstelling: China’s verre verleden: rijke vondsten uit Hunan’, Aziatische Kunst 24(4): 26-30.
—– ‘China’s distant past’, IIAS Newsletter 4. (http://iias.asia/iiasn/iiasn4/ascul/chinapas.txt)
1995 ‘Relics and reliquaries, texts and artefacts’, in: K.R. van Kooij and H. van der Veere (eds), Function and meaning in Buddhist art: proceedings of a seminar held at Leiden University 21-24 October 1991, pp. 21-31. Groningen: Forsten.
—– ‘De kunst van Thailand in de Nieuwe Kerk te Amsterdam’, Aziatische Kunst 25(4): 2-7.
—– ‘Saving Asia’s temples’, Rotunda 26(4): 26-33.
—– [cat. nos 1-6, 8-15, 17-18,23-31, 52, 54-56, 59-65, 74-76, 80, 82, 94-95, 98, 101, 103, 107-110, 112, 114-120, 122, 126-127, 129, 133, 150-151] in: Arne and Eva Eggebrecht (eds), Versunkene Königreiche Indonesiens. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
1995-2011 [ed.], Studies in Asian Art and Archaeology 1-28. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
1996 De Boeddha’s van Siam: kunstschatten uit het koninkrijk Thailand. Zwolle: Waanders. [Exhibition catalogue Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam]
—– Bouddhas du Siam. Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju en Zoon. [Exhibition catalogue Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis]
—– ‘Piecing together the fragments of the past: The retrieval and reconstruction of Indonesian sculpture’, Aziatische Kunst 26(4): 2-24.
—– [& R. Soekmono], ‘Indonesia: IV. Sculpture’, in: Jane Turner (ed.), The dictionary of art, vol. 15. New York: Grove.
1997 ‘Preliminary notes on the narrative reliefs of Candi Brahmā and Candi Viṣṇu at Loro Jonggrang, Prambanan’, in: Natasha Eilenberg, M.C . Subhadradis Diskul, Robert L. Brown (eds), Living a life in accord with dhamma: papers in honor of professor Jean Boisselier on his eightieth birthday, pp. 191-204. Bangkok: Silpakorn University.
—– ‘Notes on the Tshechu festival in Paro and Thimphu, Bhutan’, in: Dick van der Meij (ed.), India and beyond: aspects of literature, meaning, ritual and thought: essays in honour of Frits Staal, pp. 148-161. London-New York: Kegan Paul International; Leiden-Amsterdam: IIAS.
—– ‘[Review of:] Wen C. Fong and James C.Y. Watt, Possessing the Past, Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei, with contributions by Chang Lin-sheng, James Cahill, Wai-kam Ho, Maxwell K. Hearn and Richard M. Barnhart, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1996, xv, 648 pp.’, Artibus Asiae 57(1/2): 169-76.
1998 ‘Intra-regional influences in Southeast Asia’, in: Rajeshwari Ghose, Peibing He and Chuntang Yang (eds), Fa xiang chuan zhen: gu dai fo jiao yi shu = In the footsteps of the Buddha: an iconic journey from India to China. Xianggang: Xianggang da xue mei shu bo wu guan.
1999 De dansende demonen van Mongolië. Blaricum: VK Publishing/Inmerc. [Dutch exhibition catalogue Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam]
—– The Dancing Demons of Mongolia. London: Lund Humphries. [English exhibition catalogue Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam 1999 and Asia Society New York 2000]
2000 ‘Introduction’, in: Marijke J. Klokke (ed.), Narrative sculpture and literary traditions in South and Southeast Asia, pp. vii-xiv. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. (Studies in Asian Art and Archaeology 23)
—– ‘Sculpture, text and tradition at Borobudur: a reconsideration’, in: Marijke J. Klokke (ed.), Narrative sculpture and literary traditions in South and Southeast Asia, pp. 1-18. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. (Studies in Asian Art and Archaeology 23)
—– ‘The lingering legacy of Majapahit’, Arts of Asia 30(6): 55-59. (In connection with the exhibition ‘Majapahit, the Golden Age of Indonesia, late 13th-Early 16th century’ in the Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam, 26 November 2000-25 May 2001)
2001 ‘The śarīra of Borobudur’, in: Marijke J. Klokke and Karel R. van Kooij (eds), Fruits of inspiration: studies in honour of prof. J.G. de Casparis, retired Professor of the early history and archeology of South and Southeast Asia at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands on the occasion of his 85th birthday, pp. 83-92. Groningen: Forsten. (Gonda Indological Studies 11)
2003 ‘In memoriam Emile Meijer (1921-2002)’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 51(1): 2-5.
—– ‘[Review of:] Transmitting the Forms of Divinity: Early Buddhist Art from Korea and Japan, by Washizuka Hiromitsu, Park Youngbok and Kang Woo-bang,’, Artibus Asiae 63(2): 247-51.
—– Eskenazi: Chinese works of art from the Stoclet Collection (March 2003). New York: Eskenazi Gallery/PaceWildenstein.
2005 ‘De vroege jaren van de vereniging: lezing nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst 2005’, Aziatische Kunst 35(2): 2-20.
2006 ‘Notes on a visit to the Tōdaiji’, Zürich Studies in the History of Art 13: 389-397.
2007 The art of Southeast Asia: the collection of the Museum Rietberg Zürich, Zürich: Museum Rietberg.
—– ‘Baron von der Heydt and his collection of Southeast Asian Art’, Orientations 38(2): 117-121.
2008 ‘De verdwenen beeldjes van Prambanan’, in: Parels in een baaierd van lacunes: feestbundel voor Pauline Scheurleer, Aziatische Kunst 38(4): 48-54.
2010 [& John N. Miksic, Noerhadi Magetsari, timbul Haryono, Idham Bachtiar Setiadi], Borobudur: majestic, mysterious, magnificent. Yogyakarta: Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko.
—– ‘The path to enlightenment’, in: John N. Miksic et al., Borobudur: majestic, mysterious, magnificent, pp. 109-140. Yogyakarta: Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko.
2012 Entering the Dharmadhātu: a study of the Gandavyūha reliefs of Borobudur, Leiden [etc.]: Brill. (Studies in Asian art and archaeology 26)
2013 ‘Borobudur: a monument of Avataṃsaka Buddhism’, in: Marijke J. Klokke and Véronique Degroot (eds), Materializing Southeast Asia’s past: selected papers of the 12th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, vol. 2, pp. 3-9. Singapore: NUS.