Sunday November 6 2016
VVAK and OCS China trip October 2016
The trip to China with VVAK members in October 2016 was a great success. Members enjoyed Chinese Arts and Culture during a wonderful 2 weeks trip from Guangzhou to Hangzhou. Musea, kilns and remote areas were attended by our VVAK group.
The shared love for Chinese culture and arts made all meetings and events great happenings.
The Tang poet Li Bo describes well these type of trips by the group into the mountainous areas:
“The flowers of the field have dabbled their powdered cheeks;
The mountain grasses are bent level at the waist.”
Please find hereby the travel notes (they are nearly DONE!). Note that on the site of “Travel Diaries” (where this travel diary is published) you’ll find on the right side of the page the different days of the trip. In case of a smart phone: the days are published below the story of the day.