Lezing Professor Hsueh-man Shen: ‘Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds: Contesting Fields of Art, Archaeology, and Politics’
Op vrijdagmiddag 12 april zal Professor Hsueh-man Shen speciaal voor de leden van de KVVAK een Engelstalige lezing houden in het auditorium van het Rijksmuseum over ‘Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds: Contesting Fields of Art, Archaeology, and Politics’.
Professor Hsueh-man Shen is Ehrenkranz Associate Professor in World Art, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University en EURIAS Senior Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, 2018-2019.
15:15 Inloop en registratie
15:30 Aanvang lezing
17:00 Einde lezing en gelegenheid tot het drinken van een borrel in het Museumcafé
Niet-KVVAK leden kunnen zich registreren met lidmaatschapsnummer 0000
Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds: Contesting Fields of Art, Archaeology, and Politics
Recent discoveries of shipwrecks in South China Sea, the primary transit route for the world’s shipping between China and the Middle East and Europe in pre-modern times, have caused a sensation among scholars and the general public alike. These ships contained large quantities of trade goods, ranging from ceramics to coins and precious metals, and bear witness to the prosperous and active exchange of goods and ideas between East and West. Focusing on the past and the present of major findings, this lecture addresses not only the production and reception of trade goods in pre-modern China, but also the troubled relationship between archaeology and politics in the modern era, and the unique challenges shipwrecks present to museums.