woensdag 24 oktober 2018
Asian Art Newspaper
The Asian Art newspaper are thrilled to offer members of the KVVAK 25% off a one year print subscription to the Asian Art Newspaper (down to £37.50 from the usual £50). There also is a digital edition currently available for £30 on our website.The Asian Art Newspaper was launched in November 1997 and, in 2018, keeps true to its original remit: offering its readership of collectors, galleries and art enthusiasts an informed overview of the latest in Asian and Islamic art news around the globe. Our world is truly international, with coverage from Sydney to Shanghai and New York to London. Don’t miss this opportunity to receive a year’s worth of issues packed full of features, interviews and reviews from across the Asian and Islamic art worlds.To redeem this offer, visit http://offers.asianartnewspaper.com, e-mail us or ring on +44(0)20 7229 6040 and quote code AASN2018